Question 1: What should I do if I have a leak?
Answer 1: If it is an emergency, call 800-765-2765. A claims adjuster will contact you to provide assistance. You will be asked to fill out a Claim Form as time allows. Please be sure to contact the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Spill Line as well at 573-634-2436.
For non-emergency situations, fill out a claim form and send it, along with any work plans and cost estimates, to:
PO Box 104116
Jefferson City, MO 65110
Question 2: How do I know if I can get PSTIF benefits?
Answer 2: The best way is to contact us and ask, either by calling 800-765-2765, emailing, or sending an inquiry via regular mail to:
PO Box 104116
Jefferson City, MO 65110
Generally, if you discover a petroleum release while you are insured with us, benefits will be available, (subject to certain criteria).
Question 3: When should I file a claim?
Answer 3: When you –
Question 4: Who may file a claim?
Answer 4: Only the following persons may request payment from the PSTIF:
Persons who believe they have suffered property damage or bodily injury, or who have incurred costs for cleanup of petroleum contamination emanating from a tank site, should present their claim directly to the responsible tank owner.
Question 5: Does the Fund tell me what consultant or contractor to use?
Answer 5: No. The owner has the freedom to select his consultant or contractor and must hire them directly. It is the owner’s responsibility to get competitive pricing, to see that work is completed timely, and to request reimbursement from the PSTIF.
Question 6: Will PSTIF pay the consultant/contractor directly?
Answer 6: No. PSTIF claim reimbursements cannot be made directly to the consultant or contractor. We can make reimbursements jointly payable and will mail checks directly to the consultant/contractor if you direct us to in your payment request form. (Please also see Helpful Hints.)
Question 7: What costs might I incur that will not be paid by the Fund?
Answer 7: The PSTIF does not reimburse for:
Question 8: After I know I’m eligible for PSTIF benefits, how do I get money?
Answer 8: There are two simple steps. First, send us one or more cost estimates for work at your site. (You will get these from environmental consultants or contractors.) Wait until we respond before authorizing any work. We will send you a letter, telling you whether we will pay the proposed costs.
Then, hire or authorize your selected consultant/contractor to do the proposed work. After it is done, send us copies of the bills he sends you, along with a Payment Request Form.
Question 9: How long does it take for me to receive my check?
Answer 9: If your invoice submission is complete and no additional information is required, you will normally receive a check within 30-45 days. Hear are some tips for expediting your payment.
Question 10: I am selling my property and have an open claim. Do I need to notify the PSTIF?
Answer 10: Yes. The PSTIF must be notified of any change in ownership of tanks or real estate. In some cases, we may consent to your Assignment of Benefits to the new owner. (Please note that insurance coverage cancels automatically when an operating tank site is sold; see FAQs.)