Insured tank owners/operators should file a claim when you discover a leak, learn there is fuel in the ground at or near their facility, or someone else asserts petroleum has been “released” from your insured tank system.
Also, insured tank owners/operators who are planning to remove tanks or piping, close underground tanks in place, or assess their site because one or more underground tanks has been emptied should review this guidance and should engage a knowledgeable environmental consultant.
Property owners who want to know whether money is available to clean up a site where tanks were operated in the past can request an eligibility determination with this form.
Your environmental consultant should read this for pre-approval and reimbursement procedures.
Important: Our rules require advance approval of cleanup costs. Don’t lose benefits by failing to do this!
Cleanup requirements are set by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
After cleanup work is done, the work must be documented and you can request reimbursement. Here are some tips/hints to expedite payment.
In some circumstances, you can assign your claim.